Please keep clear of and do not damage subsea cables/structures. You risk the loss of your gear and catch, and international communications can be disrupted. These cables carry high voltages and can be dangerous to life. Many cables have high breaking strains, some over 70 tonnes. Cables will usually lie buried in the seabed, although because the seabed can move, there is no guarantee they will remain in the same place.
Show PageIt is essential to be aware of the locations of subsea cables and renewable energy infrastructure, when fishing in the vicinity of such structures. It is essential you have all the information in relation to their positions available to you and the KIS-ORCA project is designed to provide exactly that for all seabed users. Charts, fishing plotter files and an interactive map, showing subsea cables and renewable energy structures surrounding the UK, may be viewed or downloaded, free of charge.
Show PageThe potential risks associated with the offshore renewable and subsea cable industries come in two distinct categories - surface structures and subsurface structures. Each type of structure may potentially be a risk to fishing activities. The information below describes these hazards, with the subsequent sections explaining the emergency procedures.
Show PageTidal devices exploit kinetic energy in the tidal flow of water caused by the interaction of the gravitational fields of the earth, moon and sun. Tidal currents are magnified by topographical features, such as headlands, inlets and straits, or sea bed channels. Many of the devices that use these currents are broadly similar to submerged wind turbines. Sea water is around 800 times denser than air but average flow speeds for viable projects are of the order of one fifth of corresponding wind speeds, giving a power density of around 5-10 times. This means that for a tidal device of the same rating as a wind turbine, the rotor will be smaller. Individual tidal devices are unlikely to reach the same rated power as offshore wind turbines; however, as to have sufficient space to deploy such large devices requires development of deeper water sites that generally have less significant tidal flows. EMEC has identified four main types of tidal energy convertors that are outline below.
Show PageWaves are created by the interaction of wind with the surface of the sea, sometimes over very long distances. The size of the waves is influenced by wind, the local seabed bathymetry (which can focus or disperse the energy of the waves) and currents. Waves offer a large source of energy which can be converted into electricity by a wave energy converter (WEC). Some wave energy converters have been developed to extract energy from the shoreline, others from waters offshore, some with a hydraulic power take-off system and some with an electrical power take-off system. EMEC has identified six main types of wave energy converter that are outlined below.
Show PageThe United Kingdom's wave and tidal stream energy industry is the current global leader, with more installed capacity than the rest of the world combined. Our strength has been built on established British marine engineering skills, the creation of world-first testing facilities and the strength of the energy resource found in UK waters. The UK is proud to have developed the first commercial scale wave and tidal stream projects in 1998 and 2003 respectively but the industry is now on the cusp of commercial viability as we move through the phases of development.
Show PageOnce a developer has obtained a lease from the Crown Estate they will start to appraise the zone or lease area. This requires a number of surveys to be completed including boat or aerial based bird and marine mammals surveys, benthic grabs and fish surveys.
Show PageOffshore wind farms consist of a number of connected elements. These include the turbines, foundations, array cables, offshore substation, export cable and onshore substation and infrastructure. These items are installed using a range of different vessels and then serviced by either smaller crew transfer vessels or helicopters.
Show PageOffshore wind farms consist of a number of wind turbines which sit on foundations, secured to the seafloor, which produce electricity. This electricity is transmitted to where it is needed through a series of cables and substations. The first offshore wind farm was installed in Denmark in 1991 and the industry has grown rapidly since then with 3.3GW installed across Europe (1.8GW of which is in the UK). China, US, Japan and South Korea have also started to develop offshore wind farms.
Show PageThe UK is the world leader in offshore renewables. We have more projects installed, more in construction and more in development than any other country in the world.
Show PageSubsea telecommunication cables have a very long history. Since the installation of the world's first submarine cable across the Dover Strait in 1850, Subsea cables have been essential to the worlds communications infrastructure.
Show PageUnder a Cable Maintenance Agreement and on notification from a Maintenance Authority, a cable repair ship operator will mobilise one of its vessels to conduct a repair on a subsea cable. The maintenance authority will provide an estimated position of the cable fault based on tests carried out from the cable Terminal Stations located either end of the marine cable. Permitting, Charting, and existing cable information is assessed prior to the vessel departing.
Show PageSubmarine cables are very reliable, however, there are occasions when a repair to a cable becomes necessary.
Show PageAt the planning and installation phase of a submarine cable project one of the most effective methods of protecting a submarine cable from damage caused by external aggression is to bury the cable, usually with a sea plough.
Show PageOnce the requirement for a cable system has been identified and funds raised to build it, the first thing which happens is that a cable manufacturer and installer is contracted by the cable system parties.
Show PageModern Fibre optic cables can carry many millions of telephone calls, together with huge amounts of video and internet data. Approximately 95% of the world's telecommunication requirements are met by submarine cables. Cables are used because of their high reliability, capacity and security. Cables have an insignificant delay compared to satellite and are most cost-effective on major routes, hence communications costs are cheaper than satellites.
Show PageOffshore windfarms and subsea cables are increasing in number around the shores of the UK and the potential risks to fishermen, associated with these structures, need to be recognised and managed in a responsible way.
Show PageThis section contains information relating to Renewable Energy Structures, from design to installation, maintenance to future trends.
Show PageThis section contains information relating to Subsea Telecoms and Power Cables, from design to installation, maintenance to future trends.
Show PageTo conduct a seabed survey will be conducted at the Morlais Tidal Demonstration site. The survey will adhere to a methodology agreed upon with Menter Môn Morlais Ltd and will include the following components: • UXO Survey • Pre-construction Marine Archaeology Survey • Bathymetric Survey (for navigation monitoring) • Pre-Construction Monitoring Survey (to assess the location, identification, and abundance of conservation habitats) • Environmental Monitoring (including a bathymetric survey)
To conduct a seabed survey will be conducted at the Morlais Tidal Demonstration site.
The survey will adhere to a methodology agreed upon with Menter Môn Morlais Ltd and will include the following components:
The Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) will be removing the Passive Acoustic Monitoring Device (PAM) on behalf of Spiorad na Mara Ltd on 9th February 2025.
Positions of equipment can be seen in Figure and Table 1 of attached.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteServicing metocean equipment, a Seabed mooring, within the boundary of the proposed Bowdun array area located off the east coast of Scotland.
Partrac Ltd., on behalf of Thistle Wind Partners, is servicing metocean equipment, a Seabed mooring, within the boundary of the proposed Bowdun array area located off the east coast of Scotland. The deployment of the metocean equipment. It is estimated to be carried out over one day from the 12th of February 2025, weather permitting, using the vessel, Green Isle.
During servicing activity, the vessel will be restricted in their ability to manoeuvre and will display the appropriate lights and shapes prescribed by the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea. Other vessels are requested to provide a minimum clearance of 500m from the vessel during operations, and post-operation, and to pass at a safe speed. VHF Channel 16 will be monitored by the vessel. Should adverse weather conditions occur during the works the vessel will seek shelter at the master’s discretion.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteAll Mariners are advised that Wind Turbine Generator Installation & Commissioning Works are expected to commence at the Sofia Offshore Wind Farm on (or around) week commencing 24th February 2025.
The exact start and finish dates will be dependent on the prevailing weather conditions and work progress. Mariners are requested to remain where possible 500m from Construction vessels when exhibiting the day shapes / night lights for vessels restricted in their manoeuvrability.
Vessels operational during these works are as follows:
Vessel Name | Vessel Type | Length (M) | Gross Tonnage | IMO | Call Sign | MMSI Number |
Wind Peak | WTG Installation Vessel | 150 | 34100 | 9957828 | OZVU2 | 219032994 |
IWS Seawalker | Service Operation Vessel | 90 | 6712 | 9968580 | LAVP8 | 257784000 |
FOB Swath 9 | Crew Transfer Vessel | 33 | 372 | 9920576 | OYKP2 | 219027989 |
FOB Swath 10 | Crew Transfer Vessel | 32 | 372 | 9920588 | OYMX2 |
219027988 |
All vessels can be contacted on VHF 16 throughout as required. All vessels shall be operating to / from the Port of Hull and will be operational 24 hours / day.
See detailed map on our bulletin website
Please be advised that the Broadshore Hub Offshore Wind Farms’ Floating LiDAR buoy E26 has been reported as unlit. The project team is currently verifying the device conditions and will confirm shortly if there is a light failure. Marine traffic should assume that it is unlit. The AIS signal is operational, under MMSI 992351405 at the location provided below. Updates on any further works will be provided through future Notices to Mariners.
Please be advised that the Broadshore Hub Offshore Wind Farms’ Floating LiDAR buoy E26 has been reported as unlit. The project team is currently verifying the device conditions and will confirm shortly if there is a light failure. Marine traffic should assume that it is unlit.
The AIS signal is operational, under MMSI 992351405 at the location provided below.
Updates on any further works will be provided through future Notices to Mariners.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteServicing metocean equipment, a Seabed mooring, within the boundary of the proposed Ayre array area
Partrac Ltd., on behalf of Thistle Wind Partners, is servicing metocean equipment, a Seabed mooring, within the boundary of the proposed Ayre array area. The servicing of the seabed mooring is estimated to be carried out over one day from the 12th of February 2025, weather permitting, using the vessel, Green Isle.
During servicing activity, the vessel will be restricted in their ability to manoeuvre and will display the appropriate lights and shapes prescribed by the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea. Other vessels are requested to provide a minimum clearance of 500m from the vessel during operations, and post-operation, and to pass at a safe speed. VHF Channel 16 will be monitored by the vessel. Should adverse weather conditions occur during the works the vessel will seek shelter at the master’s discretion.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteXOCEAN is looking to conduct exploratory geophysical surveys covering pipeline routes from Sullom Voe and the near shore extents of the Offshore wind farm export cable routes and pipelines. XOCEAN are proposing to collect MBES and SBP data along the route around the Shetland Islands
Operations of remotely piloted Uncrewed Surface Vessels (USVs) are planned out of Sella Voss during February and March 2025. The vessels will be engaged in survey activities associated with exploratory works in the Shetland Isles.
Operations will take place subject to weather and other operational factors from 9th February at the earliest 2025 for 14 operational days .
A support vessel, Compass Rose, will escort the USV from inside of the inner harbour to clear water.
Although the USV is uncrewed, it is crewed remotely throughout the 24 hour operation, piloted remotely using 360 degree cameras and other navigational aids.
The 3 USV's will be working within the points identified below
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteFrom the 1st of February 2025 Ocean Ecology Ltd (OEL) will be undertaking an ARIS drop down surveys at several locations within The Wash. These works are part of the Defra Marine Protected Area monitoring program and seek to better define areas of biogenic reef within The Wash. The works will be completed by personnel from OEL on Seren Las which will mobilise from Wells-next-the-Sea.
The survey will employ the use of an ARIS system which will be deployed in a frame to the seabed to ground truth the extent and distribution of biogenic reef. No equipment will be left on the seabed.
The survey will be carried out on a continuous daily basis, working 12-hours per day pending weather. Upon adverse weather conditions, if the Seren Las is not able to remain on site, it will seek shelter or return to Wells-next-the-Sea.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteMariners are advised that a West Cardinal Buoy (W4) marking the permitater of the Sofia Offshore Wind Farm array has been reported as unlit.
The positions Characteristics of the W4 buoy is as follows;
Buoy | ID | Latitude | Longitude | Lantern Characteristics |
West Cardinal | W4 | 55° 04.648’ N | 002° 02.498’ E | VQ(9) 10s / White |
See detailed map on our bulletin website
The Jack Up Vessel “Seafox 2” is positioned alongside the Sofia OCP and is jacked to working height supporting the commissioning element of the works. The Emergency Response & Rescue Vessel (ERRV) Putford Protector shall be supporting operations at the Offshore Convertor Platform (OCP) within the Sofia Array on (or around) week commencing 3rd March 2025.
A scheduled service from an assigned pool of Platform Supply Vessels providing supplies to the Offshore Converter Platform & JUV Seafox 2 until further notice. Those nominated vessels are:
An eight legged jacket with 8 driven pin piles has been installed as a foundation for the OCP followed by the OCP itself.
All vessels will be arriving from non UK Ports throughout.
The Sofia Offshore Wind Farm Boundary Co-ordinates where the works will take place are provided below. All non-project vessels are requested to remain outside this area.
The As Laid Coordinates of the anchors are also provided below.
Mariners are requested to remain where possible 500m from vessels. During these works, SOVs will have restricted manoeuvrability and shall also be exhibiting the correct day shapes/ lights and flag for vessels engaged in diving operations and restricted in ability to manoeuvre.
Emergency Response & Rescue Vessel
The EERVs Putford Protector, Putford Viking, Putford Achates and Putford Ajax are supporting the commissioning phase of the Offshore Converter Platform, providing close standby cover as required during overside works.
Only one of the three nominated vessels will be on location at any one time.
Service Operation Vessels
The Service Operations Vessel (SOV) “Rem Power” & Daughter craft “Rem Transporter” continues to support the SOWF project throughout the construction of the offshore windfarm.
SOVs shall be transiting to / from the Sofia Array and the port of Blyth / Sunderland throughout this period.
All vessels can be contacted on VHF 16 for further information as required reference proximity / nearby operations etc.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteThe (TSHD) VITUS BERING will perform dredging works at the DBC OSP location prior to the scour installation with soonest commence date on the 7th of February 2025 with completion expected by the 28th of February 2025.
All works will be continuous, 24 hours a day. During operations, VITUS BERING will be restricted in its ability to manoeuvre as defined under COLREGs (International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972) and will display the appropriate day shapes and lights. The vessel will also transmit an Automatic Identification System (AIS) message.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteThe cut-point of PL24 is exposed and is protruding significantly from the seabed; approximately 18m long and 6m high. This creates an increased risk of snagging of trawling equipment, or similar, compared to a regular freespan.
The cut-point of PL24 is exposed and is protruding significantly from the seabed; approximately 6m from the seabed at its highest point and overhanging approximately 18m long from where the line makes contact with the seabed again. This creates an increased risk of snagging of trawling equipment, or similar, compared to a regular freespan.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteA total of 15 demarcation buoys (9 cardinal buoys and 6 special mark buoys) have been deployed in the locations set out below. These Buoys have been installed by THV Galatea and mark the boundary of the East Anglia Three offshore wind farm.
The East Anglia Three offshore wind farm boundary has been marked by temporary buoyage, consisting of nine cardinal and six special mark buoys. The deployed positions are set out in the attached EA3 NTM 003- 2025 - Aids to Navigation- Demarcation Buoys.
See detailed map on our bulletin website
Metocean monitoring instrumentation is planned for deployment at 4 locations along the proposed Morven wind farm export cable route. Deployment activity is set to begin in February 2025, and the equipment is planned to remain in place for a total of 6 months. They will be recovered around August 2025. Vessels are required to keep a safe distance (500m) from any maintenance vessels at all times. All vessels are requested to maintain a safe distance (400m) from the deployed monitoring equipment.
The vessel 'Green Isle' will be used for the instillation works.
The deployed equipment will comprise a seabed frame, equipped with metocean instrumentation, connected via a ground line to a secondary anchor weight and recovery system. This secondary anchor weight will be positioned up to 270 m away from the seabed frame. An accompanying guard buoy complete with lantern and AIS will also be deployed. Due to ground conditions, the mooring design at the D1 location differs from above. Equipment will comprise a subsurface ‘stumpy’ mooring which will not be visible from the water surface. No guard buoy will be deployed at this location. Specific locations are charted within the attached NtM.
All vessels are requested to maintain a safe distance (500m) from any maintenance vessels at all times. All vessels are requested to maintain a safe distance (400m) from the deployed monitoring equipment as shown in Section 2 at all times (detailed in attached NtM).
The outline of the survey works is as follows:
This Notice to Mariners is to inform that Moray Offshore Windfarm (West) Limited (Moray West) has completed offshore construction works and the site has been handed over to the O & M team.
Offshore construction commenced on 06 February 2022 and the date of Completion of the Works under the Moray West Wind Farm Marine Licence (MS-00009774) and Offshore Transmission Infrastructure (OfTI) Marine Licence (MS-00010585) is the 7th January 2025 and the 23rd January 2025, respectively. Although the offshore construction works have been completed in January 2025, there is the potential for snagging works to continue.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteRemoval of Stage 1 Construction Buoyage and Deployment of Interim Construction buoyage
The seagreen offshore wind farm has been marked and lit as a construction site during the construction phase of the project via the use of temporary construction buoyage. This has been a combination of cardinal marks and special marks.
All the construction buoyage will be removed apart from two Special Marks which will be relocated in alternative positions, the operations will be performed by the MultiCat vessel Green Isle
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteShefa-2 Segment 7 cable break has been repaired and the Post Repair Inspection and Burial (PRIB) now completed. Hence, still minor sections of wet stored cable are exposed and sensitive to any external impacts and constitutes a snagging risk for anchoring, fishing gear or other equipment with seabed intervention.
Show MoreShefa-2 Segment 7 cable breaks occurred October 2022 and May 2023. The Post Repair Inspection revealed that, due to rocky seabed, cable burial is not possible and other cable protection measures are being evaluated. Hence, a section of 2600m cable is exposed to seabed and poses a high risk to fishing activity. Please pay attention to this section of wet stored cable which is sensitive to any external impacts and constitutes a snagging risk for fishing, anchoring or other seabed equipment.
Show MoreThe Service Operation Vessel (SOV) GRAMPIAN DERWENT will perform the Inter Array Cable Testing and Termination works with the commencement the 25th of February 2025.
The works will continue over the spring. All works will be continuous, 24 hours a day. Charts of the DBB array area are provided below.
During operations, GRAMPIAN DERWENT will be restricted in its ability to manoeuvre as defined under COLREGs (International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972) and will display the appropriate day shapes and lights. The vessel will also transmit an Automatic Identification System (AIS) message.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteThe STORNES, will perform seabed rock installation on section 1 (KP0 – KP91.5) and section 3 (KP175 – KP255) of the Dogger Bank C export cable route and in the Dogger Bank C Offshore Windfarm in the Southern North Sea. Rock will be placed at various locations on the export cable.
The work will commence on 06th February 2025 and continue until 11th March 2025. Work will be performed within the Export Cable (EC) route and will be continuous, 24 hours a day.
During operation, STORNES will be restricted in its ability to manoeuvre as defined under COLREGs (International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972) and will display the appropriate day shapes and lights. The vessel will also transmit an Automatic Identification System (AIS) message.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteThis updated Notice to Mariners (NtM) is related to the Landfall Preparation Works for the NeuConnect Interconnector. Installation works are now complete between KP 0.4 (51°27.9768'N 000°42.9291'E) and KP 2 (51°28.6756'N 000°43.7398'E). Due to restrictions of tide and weather windows, all operations are anticipated to require 24-hour working. A post-landing survey to define the scope of remedial works will be undertaken following cable landing operations, commencing from the 23 October 2024.
Show MoreDuring a routine inspection of the export cables (ECR A & ECR B) , two sections of the cables were found to be partially exposed through the boulder field. This may constitute a hazard to activities such as fishing and anchoring
It is requested that mariners avoid activities which are likely to disturb the seabed within a 500m Radius of this location until the exposed export cable has been re-investigated. A further Notice to Mariners will be issued to confirm the course of action we will be taking to rectify this. Please note that the standard safety rules apply when fishing in or near wind farms and associated cables. All mariners are requested to make themselves aware of their obligations for conducting activities over buried and protected cables under International and UK Cable (Sub-sea) Protection Legislation.
Mariners are reminded to navigate with caution and keep continued watch on VHF Ch. 12 / 16 when navigating the area. The Marine Coordination Centre will be responsible for monitoring and policing the Safety Zone and can be contacted directly for advice. Further information on the risks to fishing adjacent to subsea cables can be found in Weblinks:
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteAll mariners are to be advised that Jack up vessel Wind Peak will be carrying out lifting operations in the location listed below. These operations will take approximately 2-3 weeks depending on weather conditions. Start date 20/01/24 21:00hrs
Latitude Longitude
1.1.2 Schedule
LENGTH OF OPERATION: 2-3 weeks depending on weather
2 Jack up Operations / AOW NTM 036
2.1 Equipment
Work will be conducted from the Jack up vessel Wind Peak. Vessels are requested to remain 500m away from Wind Peak whilst she is deployed in the windfarm. Wind Peak will display the lights and shapes prescribed in the International Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea (COLREGS).
See detailed map on our bulletin websitePlease be advised that from the 15th of January 2025 Ocean Ecology Ltd (OEL) will be undertaking an ARIS drop down survey within a 9.7km2 area in the Bristol Channel, near Hinkley Point C.
Please be advised that from the 15th of January 2025 Ocean Ecology Ltd (OEL) will be undertaking an ARIS drop down survey within a 9.7km2 area in the Bristol Channel, shown in Figure 1. These works are part of the Hinkley British Energy Estuarine and Marine Studies (BEEMS) programme set up by EDF Energy for Cefas to implement and support surveys for new-build power stations in the UK. The survey will employ the use of an ARIS system which will be deployed in a frame to ground truth the extent and distribution of the protected, reef building Ross worm (Sabellaria spinulosa).
The works will be completed by personnel from OEL on M.V Argyll Explorer which will mobilise from Penarth Marina. Full vessel details are presented in Table 1.
The survey will be carried out on a continuous daily basis, working 12-hours per day pending weather. Upon adverse weather conditions, if the Argyll Explorer is not able to remain on site, it will seek shelter or return to Penarth Marina.
This notification is intended for circulation to all interested parties undertaking or managing activities in the vicinity of the planned survey works. If you would like further details regarding the surveys, please contact the OEL Head of Survey, Ashley Kirby using the contact details at the head of this communication.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteThis oil & gas drilling rig has moved to this new position. Rig are protected by a 500m safety zone and some may have anchors extending beyond this zone.
Show MoreThis oil & gas drilling rig has moved to this new position. Rig are protected by a 500m safety zone and some may have anchors extending beyond this zone.
Show MoreGalloper Windfarm, RWE - NTM: GWFL-O&M 03-2020 v2 Risk of cable exposure within the Galloper Windfarm
Please be advised that the subsea survey carried out in 2020, identified seven cable routes with 10 exposures in total. The below table provides the locations of the identified exposures.
As cable exposure is a known risk at Galloper and across the offshore wind industry, we would remind Mariners of the safety information found on the KIS-ORCA website ‘The risks of fishing near cables and renewable energy structures. To avoid crossing cables when towing equipment follow the cable corridors- locations of the cables can be found on the Galloper awareness charts via KIS-ORCA.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteGalloper Windfarm, RWE - NTM: GWFL-O&M 03-2020 v2 Risk of cable exposure within the Galloper Windfarm
Please be advised that the subsea survey carried out in 2020, identified seven cable routes with 10 exposures in total. The below table provides the locations of the identified exposures.
As cable exposure is a known risk at Galloper and across the offshore wind industry, we would remind Mariners of the safety information found on the KIS-ORCA website ‘The risks of fishing near cables and renewable energy structures. To avoid crossing cables when towing equipment follow the cable corridors- locations of the cables can be found on the Galloper awareness charts via KIS-ORCA.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteThe Cable Laying Vessel (CLV) “Calypso” continues with Inter-Array Cable operations within the Sofia Offshore Windfarm Array. The exact finish date will be dependent on the prevailing weather conditions and work progress.
The Subsea Viking continues supporting the Inter Array Cable Installation works via Survey, Cable Burial, Rock Bag Installation Works, as required.
Service Operation Vessels
The Service Operations Vessel (SOV) “Rem Power” & Daughter craft “Rem Transporter” continues to support to the SOWF project throughout the construction of the offshore windfarm.
SOVs Acta Orion and Acta Auriga continue to support Inter Array Cable works.
The SOV “Olympic Notos” has commenced operations within the Sofia OWF array.
All vessels can be contacted on VHF 16 for further information as required reference proximity / nearby operations etc.
Vessels shall be transiting to / from the Sofia Array and the ports of Blyth & Sunderland throughout this period.
Mariners are requested to remain where possible 500m from these vessels, as they will have restricted manoeuvrability and shall also be exhibiting the correct day shapes/ lights.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteThe Wind Turbine Installation Vessel 'Aeolus' continues with Foundation Installation Works within the array site. The finish date will be dependent on the prevailing weather conditions and work progress. The Noise Abatement (Big Bubble Curtain) Vessel “SAR Odin” continues supporting Aeolus foundation installation works and noise monitoring buoyage was deployed infield at 5 locations on 1st February 2025.
Foundation Installation Works (Aeolus)
The Aeolus has commenced the Offshore Foundation Transport and Installation works within the Sofia Offshore Wind Farm Array. These works include the transport and installation operations of primary components, namely Monopiles, and secondary components, namely Main Access Platforms, Internal Platforms, Boat Landings and Upper Ladders.
Vessels shall be transiting to / from the Sofia Array and the ports of Blyth & Tyne throughout this period.
The following table highlights foundation installation progress and next 7 day forecast.
Total Foundations Installed (100 in Total) |
Foundations Installed Last 7 Days / (Date Fully Installed) | Foundation Installation Next 7 Day Forecast |
48 |
G09 |
E09 |
The Sofia Offshore Wind Farm Exclusion Zone coordinates, are shown below and included within the relevant NtM. Mariners are requested to remain outside this Exclusion Zone.
Vessels are requested to pass at a safe speed and distance and fishing vessels are advised to remain outside of the areas identified.
Noise Monitoring Equipment Installation
Noise monitoring equipment installed in the following positions within the Sofia Offshore Array:
Location | Latitude (DMS) | Longitude (DMS) | Latitude (DDM) | Longitude (DDM) | LAT(m) at Location (Excluding Water Depth Reduction): |
1 | 54° 57' 32.01" N | 2° 3' 15.48" E | 54 57.534N | 002 03.258E | 27m |
2 | 54° 57' 40.07" N | 2° 3' 29.01" E | 54 57.668N | 002 03.484E | 25.5m |
3 | 54° 58' 50.27" N | 2° 6' 11.00" E | 54 58.839N | 002 06.183E | 24.5m |
4 | 54° 59' 16.80" N | 2° 7' 22.60" E | 54 59.280N | 002 07.377E | 25m |
5 | 54° 58' 6.31" N | 2° 18' 31.48" E | 54 58.105N | 002 18.525E | 25m |
***Although all equipment will be submerged during the installation period, ALL Mariners are advised that the navigable water depth within the assigned areas will be reduced by approx. 12 metres due to the equipment protruding from the seabed and are requested to take this into consideration when navigating within the geographical area. In addition, all Mariners are to allow a 100m radius avoidance while the equipment is deployed.***
Service Operation Vessels
The Service Operations Vessel (SOV) “Rem Power” & Daughter craft “Rem Transporter” continues to support to the SOWF project throughout the construction of the offshore windfarm.
The SOV “Olympic Notos” commenced operations withing the Sofia OWF array.
SOVs shall be transiting to / from the Sofia Array and the port of Blyth / Sunderland throughout this period.
Mariners are requested to remain where possible 500m from vessels. During these works, SOVs will have restricted manoeuvrability and shall also be exhibiting the correct day shapes/ lights and flag for vessels restricted in ability to manoeuvre.
All vessels can be contacted on VHF 16 for further information as required reference proximity / nearby operations etc.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteActivities related to the development of the Triton Knoll wind farm continue, as detailed below. For background information visit: Mariners are advised that the asset installation phase of the Triton Knoll OWF is now complete.
Mariners are advised that the following vessels will be arriving at the Triton Knoll Offshore Wind Farm (TKOWF) as outlined within previously issued NtM's:
The NR Jaguar is expected to commence a short seabed survey following Rock Dumping operations. Commencement date is approximate and dependant on weather. Work is expected to last around 12 Hours and will be performed using MBES around the following location: 53 27.04N x 000 53.38E
Mariners are requested to ensure a 500m exclusion zone is maintained whilst the Survey is taking place.
Vessel Name |
Type |
Call Sign |
Operating Port |
Commence Date |
NR Jaguar | Support Vessel | 2FSC9 | 235093757 | - | Lowestoft | 17/12/2024 |
Mariners are advised that the following vessels continue to be active at the Triton Knoll Offshore Wind Farm (TKOWF) as outlined within previously issued NtM's:
All vessels can be contacted via VHF channel 16 when operational in field.
*** Note ***
All 90 WTG's have now been fully installed, whilst WTG commissioning and service continues. All Export Cables are fully installed/buried and need to be deemed live/energised. All Inter Array Cables are fully installed and buried and need to be deemed live/energised. Whilst the main installation works have been completed, major construction commissioning works are continuing.
*** Note ***
Whilst TKOWFL is reopening the site to fishing from the 14th December 2021, TKOWFL kindly request that all fishermen intending to fish within the boundaries of the Triton Knoll wind farm, contact the Triton Knoll control room prior to entering and exiting the field, and inform them of their fishing intentions.
This precaution is requested to safeguard all vessels operational at the TKOWF site (including fishing vessels) and your cooperation, to ensure the safety of all parties is appreciated. The following contact details should be used when notifying the Triton Knoll control room of fishing activity:
Control Room Manager: Derek Whyte Radio: VHF channel 16 Callsign: TK MCC Phone: +44 1793 896250 Email: *** Note ***
Application of Triton Knoll Wind Farm Safety Zones During Construction The Secretary of State has granted the Application of Safety Zones on the Triton Knoll Wind Farm Project as follows:
Mariners are advised that all foundations monopiles have been installed and all inter-array and export cables have been installed.
Navigation Warning - 08th January 2021
Mariners are advised that the remnants of a Wave Rider Buoy sinker weight and partial rigging are located within the Triton Knoll Offshore Wind Farm Construction site at the following location;
53° 30.442N 000° 50.564E
It is advised that the partial rigging could potentially be floating up to 9.7m above the seabed, reducing the navigable safe water in the immediate area to 10m LAT. Mariners are advised to avoid the indicated position by 250 metres.
Possible Dangers to Navigation - Properties of the polypropylene show that the rope is buoyant, this makes the line sensitive for thruster currents. Taking the site water depth into consideration (19.7m LAT) and the maximum expected height above seabed of the rope 9.7m the line is expected to be floating submerged at approximately -10m LAT. In addition, it is noted that over time sediments will be trapped between the fibres and the heavier rope may finally sink. The polypropylene rope may impose a risk to foul propellers / propulsion of vessels due to the buoyant nature of the rope. As the rope is submerged at a depth of ~-10m LAT the risk is considered minimum for vessels with a shallow draught (<5m) and medium for a vessel with a deeper draught (>5m). Over time sediments will be trapped between the fibres and the heavier rope may finally sink thereby reducing the risk to propellers/propulsion of vessels. The clump weight itself (chain) is expected to have sunk into the seabed and has no significant height above seabed. In addition, the edges of the clump weight are mostly rounded (chain), the risk the clump weigh imposes to fishing activities/gear is therefore considered to be minimal.
Navigation Warning - 16th March 2021
Mariners are advised that two UXO targets have been confirmed within the Triton Knoll Offshore Wind Farm Array.
Mariners are advised that the two confirmed targets are located within 20 metres water depth (LAT) and a 10 metre radius exclusion zone is required around each target. The following table provides the coordinates and a description for each target.
Description of Target | Latitude | Longitude |
Water Depth (LAT) Metres |
Required Exclusion Zone (Metres Radius) |
Archaeological - The item is thought to be an air-delivered bomb. It appears to be in a stable condition and is resting on the seabed. Marine growth and concretion cover the body, indicating it has been in situ for a significant duration. The tail section of the bomb is missing, which is typical of unexploded bombs from WWII found in these circumstances and there is a significant hole in the case. The dimensions and characteristics gathered are consistent with a 500kg German bomb. Considering the state of the bomb the Net Explosive Quantity of the bomb is likely to be <5kg. | 53°31'50.249"N | 00°47'45.908"E | 20 | 10 |
Archaeological - The item is thought to be an air-delivered bomb. It appears to be in a stable condition and is resting on the seabed. Marine growth and concretion cover the body, indicating it has been in situ for a significant duration. The tail section of the bomb is missing, which is typical of unexploded bombs from WWII found in these circumstances and there is a significant hole in the case. The dimensions and characteristics gathered are consistent with a 500kg German bomb. Considering the state of the bomb the Net Explosive Quantity of the bomb is likely to be <5kg. | 53°31'49.895"N | 00°47'45.115"E | 20 |
10 |
Ocean Endeavour MODU at Kingfisher field and anchors
Show MoreCylindrical metal item dropped on the seabed with ground line and rope in the water column. Dimensions: 1m wide, 0.8m long, 0.4m tall. Weight: 50kg. 100m ground line and clump weight attached to metal item. Potential rope of 30-40m length attached to it floating in water column
Show MoreA Seagreen Offshore Windfarm site demarcation Special Mark (No 2) buoy has been reported offstation. The as-laid diagram for the buoy is show below in fig 1. The Special mark is pillar shaped with a yellow X shaped top mark exhibiting a Fl Y 5s light character (top shape has been noted as missing). The last know location was 57°13.1’N, 000°53.2’E, sited on the 30/01/25 (fig2).
Show MoreThree of the WTGs have faulty navigational lighting
HS1,HS4. Are all without navigational lights due to fault. Whilst navigational lighting is out of service, flood lights on the TP will remain on to ensure visibility. - Repair due to be completed by end of February 2025.
HS1 & HS3 - WTGs are without AIS connectivity. Fault due to be repaired February 2025.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteThe Victory Project is to develop the Victory subsea gas field as a single well tie-back to the Shetland Gas Plant. This is to be achieved by drilling a new well and installing a pipeline to route hydrocarbons via an existing hot tap tee into the existing Greater Laggan Area (GLA) pipeline system to export via the Shetland Gas Plant. Well control will be provide via an umbilical pipeline route from Edradour manifold location to the Victory Well.
Note: the Victory wellsite is within an Offshore Development Area and as such, it is advised not to fish within an ODA because of potential construction activities.
Vessel Plan for 2025
Vessel Name |
Location |
Arrival |
Departure |
Activity |
Stena Don |
Victory |
01/04/2025 |
15/06/2025 |
Deep Arctic |
Victory |
14/05/2025 |
30/06/2025 |
(TotalEnergies operated) HTT1-2 Hot-tap operation HTT1-2 Protection structure installation |
Skandi Africa |
Victory |
24/06/2025 |
20/07/2025 |
Umbilical installation Flexible flowline wet/storage Replace Edradour GRP Frame installation at Edradour |
(Guard vessel) |
Victory |
30/06/2025 |
18/09/2025 |
(Guard vessel) |
Victory |
02/07/2025 |
17/09/2025 |
(Guard vessel) |
Victory |
08/07/2025 |
18/09/2025 |
Deep Arctic |
Victory |
03/08/2025 |
23/08/2025 |
Victory rigid spool installation Flexible tie-in |
Nordnes |
Victory |
05/09/2025 |
20/09/2025 |
Rock installation on umbilical Rock installation on flexible |
(Rock installation vessel) |
Victory |
(TotalEnergies operated) Rock installation on GLA pipeline near HTT1-2 |
Geophysical UXO survey will take place between 13th January and 14thFebruary from vessel Manor Brunel. Manor Brunel will be RESTRICTED in ability to manoeuvre operating towed survey sensors. Vessel will displace RAMs day shapes and appropriate signals informing other vessels in the vicinity.
Notice is hereby given that GEOSIGHT Limited will be conducting a Geophysical UXO Survey along the North Somerset coastline at Hinkley Point C power station.
This notification is intended for circulation to all interested parties responsible for navigational safety or undertaking activities in the vicinity of the planned survey works. Further details regarding the surveys can be obtained by contacting the project manager using the contact details at the head of this communication.
Area and Operation – Hinkley Point C
Geophysical UXO survey will take place between 13th January and 14th February from vessel Manor Brunel. The vessel will be operating nearshore, outside of main shipping channels. Manor Brunel will be RESTRICTED in ability to manoeuvre operating towed survey sensors. Vessel will displace RAMs day shapes and appropriate signals informing other vessels in the vicinity.
The vessel will be listening on VHF Channels 12 and 16 for direct contact.
The 19.6m survey vessel; Manor Brunel, will operate from Cardiff and will return on completion of survey operations each day. The survey vessel will be towing any systems and will be Restricted in its ability to Manoeuvre.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteThe survey vessel 'Ocean Reliance' will be conducting a site survey in UKCS Block 47, utilising of towed equipment (2DHR, 2DUHR, Magnetometer, Side Scan Sonar and PAMS) and hull mounted survey equipment. Expected duration 18th February to 7th March.
Site survey using towed 2DHR, 2DUHR, Side Scan Sonar, magentometer, PAMS and hull mounted Multibeam Echo Sounder, Single Beam Echo Sounder and sub-bottom profiler over the proposed survey location.
Towed survey equipment, comprising:-
- 2DHR Streamer 600m length
- 2DUHR Streamer 150m length
- Side Scan Sonar
- Magnetometer
See detailed map on our bulletin website
This oil & gas drilling rig has moved to this new position. Rig are protected by a 500m safety zone and some may have anchors extending beyond this zone.
Show MoreThis oil & gas drilling rig has moved to this new position. Rig are protected by a 500m safety zone and some may have anchors extending beyond this zone.
Show MoreThis oil & gas drilling rig has moved to this new position. Rig are protected by a 500m safety zone and some may have anchors extending beyond this zone.
Show MoreVessels Geo Ocean VI and Geosurveyor VIII will be engaged in geophysical survey activities within a 500m corridor along the proposed Mares Connect subsea cable route.
The Geo Ocean VI will complete geophysical survey operations along the proposed Mares Connect subsea cable route, surveying a 500m corridor along the planned route. The vessel will be surveying using multibeam echosounder, side-scan sonar, magnetometer and sub-bottom profilers.
The side-sonar and magnetometer will be towed subsea at approximately 6m from the seabed, up to 4 times water depth (expected max tow 500m). One of the sub-bottom profilers will be towed behind the vessel with accompanying streamer at a distance of approximately 200-300m behind the vessel.
The closest point of approach to the vessel is 1000m due to towed equipment.
Operations are expected to commence 10th February 2025 until 4th April 2025.
The Geo Surveyor VIII will complete geophysical survey operations along the proposed Mares Connect subsea cable route, surveying a 500m corridor along the planned route from 3mLAT in Wales to 15mLAT. The vessel will be surveying using multibeam echosounder, side-scan sonar, magnetometer and sub-bottom profilers.
The side-sonar and magnetometer will be towed subsea at approximately 6m from the seabed, up to 4 times water depth (expected max tow 60m). One of the sub-bottom profiler will be towed behind the vessel with accompanying streamer at a distance of approximately 50-100m behind the vessel.
The closest point of approach to the vessel is 500m due to towed equipment.
Operations are expected to commence 17th February 2025 until 29th April 2025
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteTo carry out an annual randomly stratified beam trawl survey of the western Channel and the Celtic Sea using 2 x 4m beams trawls. In addition, carry out smaller scale survey of Celtic Sea using an otter trawl.
The survey aims to obtain information on: a) Distribution, size composition and abundance of all fish species caught. b) Age – length distribution of selected species. c) Distribution of fish in relation to their environment. d) Distribution of macrobenthos and anthropogenic debris. e) Surface and bottom temperature and salinity data using ESM2 profiler/mini-CTD logger and Niskin Bottle. f) Length weight & maturity information using individual fish measurements, in support of the EU Data Regulation.
Note: coordinates for this survey are a single point from which we fish within 1nm
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteThe Wagenborg Kingsborg MSV will undertake abandonment works for the Exploration and Appraisal (E&A) subsea well 49/12a-8 at Wenlock. Works will be between 18 February and 28 February 2025. This subsea E&A well is located within the 500m exclusion zone generated by the Wenlock installation.
Show MorePlease be advised that Global Marine will be conducting telecoms cable sea trials in the vicinity of 50° 19.915’N, 2° 51.204’W.
The CS Sovereign will be conducting telecoms cable sea trials between the 12th-26th February, for an anticipated period of 24-48 hours in total, subject to weather and other operational conditions.
Please distribute this information accordingly so that other sea users are aware. The vessel will be limited in manoeuvrability. Other vessels should maintain a distance of at least 1NM from the cable ship during operations. Please contact myself if you have any queries regarding this notification or if you have any information on any underwater activity in this area that is relevant to the proposed operation.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteBravehart Spirit will carry out a geophysical survey of 1km square area around the Wenlock, Garrow and Kilmar installations. The operation will take approximately 1 days per location. Date of survey not yet finalised, but will be conducted between 1 Jan 2025 and 31 March 2025.
Show MoreThe Wagenborg Kingsborg will undertake an ROV visual seabed survey at Wenlock. The date of the survey is not yet determined, but will be between 29 January and 31 March 2025
Show MoreOperations with Stena Don MODU at 2 mooring locations at the Pierce field. Please note the anchors and the associated lines extend outwith the MODU 500m zone.
Show MoreConducting an offshore cable route geophysical survey for the proposed Morven Windfarm.
Survey will consist of geophysical data collection from towed sensors operated by Uncrewed Surface Vessels (USVs). Survey continuing through December and on through all of January 2025 when weather allows. Upto 2 vessels will be operational at any one time during this period. The USVs will be operating out of both Eyemouth Harbour. A crewed Support Vessel will be based in this port at all times to assist the USVs in escorting in out of the harbour and in an emergency. The USVs, although uncrewed, are remotely controled at all times and are equipped with cameras, AIS, radar along with other situational awareness sensors. A closest point of approach of 0.5nm should be maintained with the USV at all times.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteAEC-1 Cable System break has been repaired but the Post Repair Inspection and Burial (PRIB) operation has not been completed. Hence, a section of approx. 1.5km of cable is sensitive to any external impacts and constitutes a snagging risk for anchoring, fishing gear or other equipment with seabed intervention. Please keep a distance of 500m.
Show MorePlease, be advised that Seiche Limited will perform a Service on the 12 Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) Stations that had been deployed on the seabed in and at locations around the East Anglia THREE Offshore Windfarm Area identified in section 2 of the attached NTM, starting from the 03/02/2025. The service is expected to be completed on the 13/02/2025 – Seiche will utilize the vessel ‘IVERO’ for the service operation.
Perform a Service on the 12 Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) Stations that had been deployed on the seabed in and at locations around the East Anglia THREE Offshore Windfarm Area. By use of ROV.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteRoutine service (recovery and deployment) of SmartBuoys, WaveRider and Noise Landers in Southern North Sea; collection of water and plankton samples at fixed stations as well as underway while steaming on the RV Cefas Endeavour for water quality montitoring and assessments
4-day survey to exchange 2 SmartBuoys, 1 waverider and 1 Noise Lander and to collect water and zooplankton samples for eutrophication monitoring and calibration exercises whilst on transit in the North Sea. Additional aims for the potential to take sediment cores and also multibeam operation off of Gt. Yarmouth
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteMariners are advised that NKT will conduct a geophysical survey along sections of the East Anglia 3 export cable corridor in the North Sea, utilising vessels ‘Geo Ocean IV’ and ‘Seafast Don’ Circa 03/02/2025.
Offshore and Nearshore geophysical survey of EA3 export cable corridor to be carried out by vessels set out in section 1.4 of the attached NTM. The geophysical survey will incorporate high-resolution Multi Beam Echo Sounder, Side Scan Sonar, and Magnetometer technologies. Survey equipment will be either towed or hull mounted.
The planned extent of the Offshore geophysical survey will cover +/- 50 meters on either side of the centreline of the HVDC export cable route.
The Nearshore survey will extend +/- 125 meters on either side of the centreline of the HVDC export cable route.
The survey is divided into two sections along the EA3 export cable route:
1) Offshore (KP 5.0 – KP 148.0) Survey vessel ‘Geo Ocean IV’ Starting at KP 148.0 on the 03/02/2025.
2) Nearshore (KP 1.1 – KP 6.0) Survey vessel ‘Seafast Don’ Starting on the 07/02/2025.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteThe Vessel Dina Star (Call Sign CQOK) will be carrying Inspection Operations (Platforms, Subsea Structures & Pipelines) in the vicinity of and between the locations noted below: Dates = 29th January to 4th March 2025 (Approx 34 Days)
Show MoreThe Vessel Volantis (Call Sign LACZ8) will be carrying Inspection Operations (Wells, Subsea Structures & Pipelines) in the vicinity of and between the locations noted below: Dates = 29th January to 22nd February 2025 (Approx 23 Days)
Show More5 mooring ground chain and pennant sections were recovered during the week commencing 20th January 2025, as part of the rig move to Schiehallion North West. Three moorings remain in place until further notice, at the below noted locations.
Show MorePlease be advised that Partrac Ltd have completed maintenance on the Northern weather monitoring buoy, installed within the East Anglia Three Offshore Wind Farm Area.
Positions for both North & South weather buoys are identified in the attached Notice To Mariners 005 -2025. There will be periodic maintenance for both weather buoys during construction of EA3.
There is an exclusion zone of 100m around the weather buoys, mariners are advised to abide by the 100m safety zone and navigate with caution at all times.
See detailed map on our bulletin websitePlease be advised that the semi-sub rig Ocean Great White is now hooked up at North West DC, using the below noted mooring pattern. There are no surface buoys on site. Anchor handler vessels have departed, and the rig expects to be on site for 5 - 7 weeks.
Show MoreThe Southwark platform has suffered a loss of power. The attendant Guard Vessel is unable to maintain safe station keeping due to poor weather
Show MoreA geophysical survey will be taking place in marine aggregate dredging area 393 in the southern Irish Sea using the vessel 'Marieanne'. The survey will be collecting bathymetry data and is likely to be carried out and completed in March 2025 subject to weather.
Show MoreA spherical wave buoy with a diameter of 0.9 meters was installed in the Penguins Field.
WGS84: 61° 34' 37.80'N, 001° 31' 36.72'E
Clump weight: 500 kg steel ballast with chain
Deployment date: 22/01/2025
Radius cone: ~300m
Diameter: 0.9 m
Colour: yellow
LED light: 5 flashes in 10 s 20 s repetition 360° around for 4 Nm distance
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteMetocean instrumentation and a floating LiDAR system (FLS) have been deployed within the boundary of the proposed Muir Mhòr Offshore Wind Farm Project site. MARINE USERS are requested to maintain a safe clearance distance of 500m from all assets. August 2024: replacement of northern guard buoy & FLS completed end Aug 2024, deployed from Peterhead Port. All AIS & marine safety information remain unchanged from the original Dec 2022 notice.
All instrumentation is deployed at a single deployment location within the project site. The purpose of the instrumentation is to gather Metocean and wind data to inform the proposed Muir Mhor Offshore Wind Farm Project.
All instrumentation was deployed by Green Rebel from the Port of Aberdeen to the site in February 2023 via the vessel BB Ocean (IMO 9196503, MMSI 258825000).
The FLS mooring comprises of a surface visible buoy moored to the seabed via a two-point mooring system constructed using a combination of rope and chain. Two guard buoys are located at approximately 30m from the main FLS buoy in a North/South orientation, with the mooring spread covering an approximate 315m radius. There is also a seabed frame for current measurements contained within the overall deployment footprint, approximately 30m East of the main FLS buoy. Note: there are 2x orange polyform marker buoys located above the northern anchor position (detailed below) which will be removed during the first planned maintenance visit.
The FLS light characteristics are Fl (5) Y 20s with 5nm range. The guard buoys’ light characteristics are FI Y 5s with 3nm range and include a yellow St. Andrew’s Cross topmark. The FLS is designated as “Muir Mhor Floating Lidar” on AIS, with MMSI number 992351400.
Details of the surface visible buoy, guard buoys, seabed frame and mooring arrangement are provided in the attachments.
MARINE USERS are requested to maintain a safe clearance distance of 500m from all assets.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteThis oil & gas drilling rig has moved to this new position. Rig are protected by a 500m safety zone and some may have anchors extending beyond this zone.
Show MoreThis oil & gas drilling rig has moved to this new position. Rig are protected by a 500m safety zone and some may have anchors extending beyond this zone.
Show MoreThis oil & gas drilling rig has moved to this new position. Rig are protected by a 500m safety zone and some may have anchors extending beyond this zone.
Show MoreThis oil & gas drilling rig has moved to this new position. Rig are protected by a 500m safety zone and some may have anchors extending beyond this zone.
Show MoreThis oil & gas drilling rig has moved to this new position. Rig are protected by a 500m safety zone and some may have anchors extending beyond this zone.
Show MoreMarramWind Offshore Wind Farm Metocean and Floating LiDAR (FLiDAR) Campaign will be carrying out service visits for FLiDAR Buoy WS198 approximately every three months, until demobilisation which will take place between January and March 2025.
Mariners are advised that MarramWind Limited (a 50/50 Joint Venture company between ScottishPower Renewables UK Limited and Shell New Energies Holding Limited) FLiDAR Buoy WS198 will be demobilised between January and March 2025. Service activities on the buoy will be carried out at approximately three-monthly intervals, depending on weather conditions.
Servicing activities will comprise of the following steps:
− Temporary retrieval of the FLiDAR Buoys WS198 for transport to Aberdeen for servicing;
− Collection of FLiDAR Buoy WS198 in Aberdeen for onsite redeployment.
All locations referred to are outlined in a table and displayed in Figure 1 within the Notice to Mariners (provided as an attachment to this notice). These locations are all within the MarramWind offshore wind farm 75 km off the east coast of Scotland.
FLiDAR Buoy WS198 is yellow in colour and will exhibit a navigation light according to IALA standards: five (5) flashes at one (1) Hertz, every twenty (20) seconds (Fl (5) Y 20s). The ranges for the lights on the buoy is 5 nautical miles.
Further details can be found within the attached Notice to Mariners.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteA-2-Sea Solutions Ltd will be operating the vessel ‘Mintaka’ on a 24-hr basis. The ‘Mintaka’ (40m LOA) will be underway throughout operations, sailing survey lines at 5-10 knots. 'Mintaka' will exhibit the lights and shapes prescribed by the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea and will maintain a listening watch on VHF Channel 16.
Please note that no towed equipment is to be deployed, this is primarily an echosounder survey for nautical charting. Towards the end of the survey seabed sampling via grab sampler will be undertaken.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteAll Mariners are advised that the Multicat “Green Isle” completed a service inspection visit of the installed Met-Ocean Buoy at KP8 within the Sofia Export Cable Corridor. Mariners are requested to refrain from entering and transiting through the construction area as demarcated by these demarcation buoys.
An additional met-ocean buoy will be installed at KP180 along the export cable route at a later date.
The table below provides a summary of each Cardinal and Special Mark Buoy deployed at the SOWF array, including target coordinates in WGS84 Degrees Decimal Minutes and a description of top mark and lantern characteristics. The Demarcation Buoys will be deployed for a period of approximately three years.
Buoy | ID | Latitude | Longitude | Lantern Characteristics | Lantern Colour |
North Cardinal | N1 | 55° 08.133’ N | 002° 09.518' E |
VQ 0.5s |
White |
North Cardinal | N2 | 55° 08.436’ N | 002° 13.418’ E |
Q 1s |
White |
East Cardinal | E1 | 55° 06.480’ N | 002° 16.929’ E |
Q(3) 10s |
White |
East Cardinal | E2 | 55° 02.571’ N | 002° 23.925' E |
VQ(3) 5s |
White |
East Cardinal | E3 | 54° 59.043’ N | 002° 30.269’ E |
Q(3) 10s |
White |
East Cardinal | E4 | 54° 55.085’ N | 002° 26.631’ E |
VQ(3) 5s |
White |
East Cardinal | E5 | 54° 51.523’ N | 002° 20.709' E |
Q(3) 10s |
White |
South Cardinal | S1 | 54° 49.725’ N | 002° 16.726' E |
Q(6) + LFL 15s |
White |
West Cardinal | W1 | 54° 51.829’ N | 002° 12.194' E |
Q(9) 15s |
White |
West Cardinal | W2 | 54° 56.229’ N | 002° 03.867' E |
VQ(9) 10s |
White |
West Cardinal | W3 | 55° 00.623’ N | 001° 56.196' E |
Q(9) 15s |
White |
West Cardinal | W4 | 55° 04.648’ N | 002° 02.498' E |
VQ(9) 10s |
White |
Special Mark | SP1 | 55° 02.741’ N | 001° 59.265' E |
FI Y 5s |
Yellow |
Special Mark | SP2 | 55° 06.569’ N | 002° 05.756' E |
FI Y 5s |
Yellow |
Special Mark | SP3 | 55° 04.525’ N | 002° 20.428' E |
FI Y 5s |
Yellow |
Special Mark | SP4 | 55° 00.617’ N | 002° 27.418' E |
FI Y 5s |
Yellow |
Special Mark | SP5 | 54° 56.871’ N | 002° 29.602' E |
FI Y 5s |
Yellow |
Special Mark | SP6 | 54° 53.324’ N | 002° 23.621' E |
FI Y 5s |
Yellow |
Special Mark | SP7 | 54° 54.030’ N | 002° 08.026' E |
FI Y 5s |
Yellow |
Special Mark | SP8 | 54° 58.427’ N | 001° 59.703' E |
FI Y 5s |
Yellow |
The table below provides a summary of the Met-ocean Buoys deployed at the SOWF Array.
Site Location | Buoy Position | Latitude | Longitude | Deployment Date | Recovery Date |
Export Cable | KP8 | 54 36.584N | 000 54.674W | June 2023 | Will remain in position until further notice |
Export Cable | KP130 | 54 50.543N | 000 54.689E | June 2023 | Will remain in position until further notice |
Export Cable | KP180 | 54 51.740N | 001 41.110E | TBC | TBC |
SOWF | Array North | 55° 05.392' N | 002° 12.993' E | June 2023 | June 2026 |
SOWF | Array South | 54° 54.987' N | 002° 15.585' E | June 2023 | June 2026 |
SOWF | Array East | 54° 58.160' N | 002° 22.521' E | March 2024 | June 2026 |
SOWF | Array West | 55° 01.528' N | 002° 04.052' E | March 2024 | June 2026 |
SOWF | OCP | 55° 00.439' N | 002° 14.798' E | March 2024 | June 2026 |
See detailed map on our bulletin website
All Mariners are advised that the 2 Export Cables & 1 Fibre Optic Cable (all bundled) have been installed into the HDD ducts at the Sofia HDD Landfall. Guard vessels will remain onsite 24 hours per day to monitor the installed export cable until approximately the end of Q3- 2025.
An MBES survey of the HDD trenches out to KP 3 was recently performed. The survey indicates the spoil heaps from 2023 back hoe excavation works have largely naturally dispersed. One spoil heap remains with a maximum height above the seabed of < 0.2 m and vessels are requested to leave a wide berth as identified for the nearshore exclusion boundary (HDD pits out to KP3) until further notice.
The following table highlights zonal areas where guard vessels are patrolling and guarding the campaign 1 export cable.
Guard Vessel | KP Start & Position | KP End | Approx Start Position | Approx End Position |
GA1 |
KP1 |
23.5 |
54 36.29N x 001 01.04W | 54 37.89N x 000 40.12W |
GA2 | 23.5 | 53.8 | 54 37.89N x 000 40.12W | 54 41.83N x 000 13.90W |
GA3 | 57.6 | 89.5 | 54 42.59N x 000 10.44W | 54 45.68N x 000 18.58E |
Mariners are requested to remain where possible 500m from vessels and equipment. Fishing vessels are requested to pass at a safe speed and distance and remain outside of the exclusion area identified. All vessels can be contacted on VHF 16 for further information as required reference proximity/nearby operations etc.
Mariners are advised of the following vessels currently operating at the Sofia Offshore Wind Farm (SOWF) for this scope.
Vessel Name | Vessel Type | Length (m) | Beam (m) | Draft (m) | Gross Tonnage (T) | Call Sign | MMSI Number |
Sancta Maria | Guard Vessel | 20.37 | 6 | 3.03 | 106 | 2FOV7 | 235093015 |
Dolfijn | Guard Vessel | 27 | 6.2 | 3.1 | 99 | YJQL8 | 576697000 |
Walvis | Guard Vessel | 27 | 6.4 | 3.32 | 108 | YJQG3 | 576448000 |
Haulbowline | Guard Vessel | 22.3 | 7 | 2.7 | 88 | MEZW9 | 232021354 |
Star of Hope | Guard Vessel | 23.9 | 7.2 | 3.4 | 101 | MKDN2 | 232038483 |
Jason II | Guard Vessel | 26.02 | 6.01 | 3.21 | 127 | MJFY4 | 232036020 |
Merlin Diver | Guard Vessel | 24.99 | 6.18 | 3.8 | 88 | YJQG4 | 576451000 |
Gleaner | Guard Vessel | 23.9 | 6.71 | 3.0 | 184 | MGGH9 | 233296000 |
Phoenix | Guard Vessel | 24.2 | 7.3 | 4.2 | 237 | MJMB2 | 2350013120 |
Star of Faith | Guard Vessel | 17.0 | - | 3.5 | - | MMSL | 234903000 |
Northern Venture | Guard Vessel | 18.45 | 6.8 | 2.76 | 110 | 2CXS3 | 235076636 |
The table below also provides the position and description of any equipment/asset/item that will remain in place following demobilisation of the Ievoli Ivory.
Location | Equipment and Description | Latitude | Longitude | Approximate Depth (LAT) |
A |
Concrete mattresses 3 of 5.95 m x 2.95 m x 0.30 m |
54°38.544’ N | 000°35.147’W | 55m |
B |
Concrete mattresses 1 of 5.95 m x 2.95 m x 0.30 m |
54°38.572’ N | 000°35.142’W | 55m |
C |
Concrete mattresses 2 of 5.95 m x 2.95 m x 0.30 m 1 of 5.55 m x 2.95 m x 0.50 m |
54°48.144’ N | 000°37.515’E | 74m |
See detailed map on our bulletin website
The Cable Lay Vessel “Leonardo Da Vinci” continued and completed cable jointing and simultaneous lay / bury operations within the Sofia Offshore Export Cable Corridor. Guard vessels will remain onsite 24 hours per day to monitor the installed export cable until further notice approximately the end of Q3- 2025.
Mariners are advised of the following vessels currently operating at the Sofia Offshore Wind Farm (SOWF) for this scope.
Vessel Name | Vessel Type | Length (m) | Beam (m) | Draft (m) | Gross Tonnage (T) | Call Sign | MMSI Number |
Sancta Maria | Guard Vessel | 20.37 | 6 | 3.03 | 106 | 2FOV7 | 235093015 |
Dolfijn | Guard Vessel | 27 | 6.2 | 3.1 | 99 | YJQL8 | 576697000 |
Walvis | Guard Vessel | 27 | 6.4 | 3.32 | 108 | YJQG3 | 576448000 |
Haulbowline | Guard Vessel | 22.3 | 7 | 2.7 | 88 | MEZW9 | 232021354 |
Star of Hope | Guard Vessel | 23.9 | 7.2 | 3.4 | 101 | MKDN2 | 232038483 |
Jason II | Guard Vessel | 26.02 | 6.01 | 3.21 | 127 | MJFY4 | 232036020 |
Merlin Diver | Guard Vessel | 24.99 | 6.18 | 3.8 | 88 | YJQG4 | 576451000 |
Gleaner | Guard Vessel | 23.9 | 6.71 | 3.0 | 184 | MGGH9 | 233296000 |
Phoenix | Guard Vessel | 24.2 | 7.3 | 4.2 | 237 | MJMB2 | 2350013120 |
Star of Faith | Guard Vessel | 17.0 | - | 3.5 | - | MMSL | 234903000 |
Northern Venture | Guard Vessel | 18.45 | 6.8 | 2.76 | 110 | 2CXS3 | 235076636 |
Exclusion zone coordinates for the 2024 cable lay and plough, jointing and pull-in works are identified within table above as well as an additional table showing the coordinates of the guard vessel locations supporting Campaign 2.
Mariners are requested to remain where possible 500m from vessels and equipment. Fishing vessels are requested to pass at a safe speed and distance and remain outside of the exclusion area identified.
Vessels will be monitoring channel VHF 16 and shall also be exhibiting the correct day shapes/lights and flag for vessels restricted in ability to manoeuvre.
Export Cable Route Preparation Works
The table below details the coordinates of project infrastructure to remain on the seabed following the Ievoli Cobalt’s completion of works. The mattresses are not expected to reduce navigable depth by over 5%.
Location | Equipment and Description | Latitude | Longitude | Approximate Depth (LAT) |
A |
Concrete mattresses 1 of 5.95 m x 2.95 m x 0.30 m |
54° 52.070520N | 001° 25.687020E | 23m |
B |
Concrete mattresses 2 of 5.95 m x 2.95 m x 0.30 m 1 of 5.55 m x 2.95 m x 0.50 m |
54° 51.943620N | 001° 27.690900E | 24m |
Valaris 123 drilling rig will be moving from the Pensacola field to the P18 field - weather depending - on Monday 17 February and will be under tight tow with estimated arrival date of Wednesday 19 February.
Show MoreDeployment of an AquaNode Wave Buoy, moored with a block on the seabed with a mooring swing radius of <200m about the location given. Colour: Bright Yellow Markings: High-visibility reflective tape, marked 'SURVEY' Dimensions: 75cm Ø x 39cm.
Show MoreDeployment of 2 current meters within a 100m radius about the locations given. The meters are mounted on a frame on the seabed, connected via leaded groundline to anchored surface buoys approximately 100m of the instruments.
Show MoreDeployment of an AquaNode Wave Buoy at 58 59.603N 02 46.859W. Deployed at a depth of 35m, moored with a block on the seabed with a mooring swing radius of 150m about the location given. Deployment Start 19th January 2025. Deployment End July 19th 2025.
Show MoreDismantling infrastructure on 12 Exploration & Appraisal wells to achieve Abandonment Phase 3 status.
The vessel is the Royal Wagenborg MSV Kingsborg. The schedule is from 19th February to 30th April.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteThe solar-charged battery-powered Navaid on the Dunlin Alpha gravity based substructure has lost functionality. Primary lights are not operational. Racon may be subject to intermittent outages. Thistle Alpha ERRV is maintaining marine surveillance and broadcasting regular text safety warnings by VHF.
Primary lights are not operational. Racon will likely suffer at least intermittent outages. Thistle Alpa EERV is maintaining marine surveillance and broadcasting regular safety messages by VHF. In-service unit not projected to recover full functionality until end of February.
New and enhanced replacement unit is ready for crane vessel deployment in 2Q'25.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteMariners are advised that Orsted Hornsea Project Four (UK) Limited (hereafter ‘Orsted’) will be commencing a scope of geotechnical survey works in February 2025. The surveys are being undertaken to perform geotechnical seabed investigations, including undertaking boreholes and CPT’s, for the Hornsea Project Four Offshore Wind Farm (‘Hornsea Four’) project, located within the UK Sector of the North Sea, off the coast of East Yorkshire.
The geotechnical survey works will be conducted by the following 3 survey vessels. “Connector”, “Geoquip Saentis”, and “Geoquip Seehorn” as well as one support vessel “GV Independent”, starting from 10th February 2025. The works are expected to last approximately 170 days, including weather downtime. The exact survey dates are subject to mobilisation time, weather and work progress.
Hornsea Four does not request any fishing gear to be cleared as the proposed activities intend to work around any fishing gear encountered. If gear is directly obstructing a sample location, Orsted may request gear relocation though this will be avoided where possible.
The contents of this notice are based upon our current understanding of Hornsea Four’s requirements
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteThe Inch Cape offshore wind farm is applying to MD-LOT for safety zones, and the consultation period on the application is now open. Full details are provided via the notice below, any comments should be provided by the 20th February.
Notice is hereby given that Inch Cape Offshore Limited (Company Number SC373173) having registered office at 5th Floor, 40 Princes Street, Edinburgh, EH2 2BY has applied to the Marine Directorate as set out in the Energy Act 2004 and the Electricity (Offshore Generating Stations) (Safety Zones) (Application Procedures and Control of Access) Regulations 2007 (SI No 2007/1948) for safety zones as follows, for the previously consented Offshore Renewable Energy Installation known as the Inch Cape Offshore Wind Farm, during the construction and major maintenance phases. The following safety zones are being applied for:
• 500 metre (m) ‘rolling’ safety zones at each structure (Wind Turbine Generator (WTG) and Offshore Substation Platform (OSP)) and/or its substructures and foundations whenever construction is ongoing (as indicated by the presence of a construction vessel stationed at the structure); • 50m pre-commissioning safety zones at each partial or complete WTG / OSP and/or its substructures and foundations, where construction is not ongoing up until the point of commissioning of the wind farm, and • 500m safety zone around any WTG / OSP and/or its substructures where major maintenance is being undertaken during the operational phase (as indicated by the presence of a major maintenance vessel stationed at the structure, where “major maintenance” is as defined in the Electricity Regulations 2007 (SI No 2007/1948).
Further details are available in the safety zone application which is available for download direct from ICOL at, or alternatively from the Scottish Government Marine Directorate website at
Alternatively, a request to receive a hard copy may be made in writing to
Any person wishing to make representations on the application should do so in writing to the Scottish Ministers, c/o Marine Directorate – Licensing Operations Team, Marine Laboratory, 375 Victoria Road, Aberdeen, AB11 9DB or stating the name of the proposal and nature of their representations, not later than 28 days from the date, or latest date of this notice.
Fair Processing Notice The Scottish Government’s Marine Directorate Licensing Operations Team (“MD-LOT”) determine applications for marine licences under the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010, the Marine and Coastal Act 2009 and section 36 consents under The Electricity Act 1989 (as amended). During the consultation process any person having an interest in the outcome of the application may make a representation to MD-LOT. The representation may contain personal information, for example a name or address. This representation will only be used for the purpose of determining an application and will be stored securely in the Scottish Government’s official corporate record. Representations will be shared with the applicant and/or agent acting on behalf of the applicant, any people or organisations that we consult in relation to the application, the Directorate of Planning and Environmental Appeals should the Scottish Ministers call a PLI and, where necessary, be published online, however personal information will be removed before sharing or publishing. A full privacy notice can be found at:
If you are unable to access this, or you have any queries or concerns about how your personal information will be handled, contact MD-LOT at: or Marine Directorate - Licensing Operations Team, Marine Laboratory, 375 Victoria Road, Aberdeen, AB11 9DB.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteThis notice is to advise that Green Rebel aims to install one (1) Floating LiDAR System (FLS) buoy at the OREC National Offshore Anemometry Hub (NOAH), approximately 3 nautical miles off the coast of Blyth, Northumberland for a minimum period of 6-months.
Show MoreGlobal Marine will be conducting the installation of the Q&E North telecommunications cable from Joss Bay, UK to Ostend, Belgium, with the first campaign commencing in February 2025. Timings are dependent upon weather and other operational conditions. Further details can be found in the attached NtM.
The vessels will be limited in manoeuvrability therefore, vessels working in the area should proceed with caution and alert the vessel within 1NM from the cable ship during operations and all activity should remain clear 250m either side of the vessel, 500m corridor in total.
For a further breakdown of operations, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteThe trenching support vessel, Grand Canyon III, will perform post-lay burial works on section 1 (KP0 – KP91.5) and section 3 (KP175 – KP255) of the Dogger Bank C export cable route in the Southern North Sea
Post-lay burial operations will be undertaken throughout the full extent of the export cable, except for un-trenchable areas such as existing third-party crossing locations and inline joint location, or where ground conditions are unsuitable for trenching.
The work will mobilize 01 November 2024 until 28 February 2025. Work will be performed within the Export Cable (EC) route and will be continuous, 24 hours a day.
During post-lay burial operations, the construction working corridor will remain closed for any static fishing, anchoring or use of other equipment with seabed intervention. Grand Canyon III will be restricted in its ability to maneuver as defined under COLREGs (International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972) and will display the appropriate day shapes and lights. The vessel will also transmit an Automatic Identification System (AIS) message.
In the period between cable lay operation until the cable has been permanently protected by means of burial or rock placement, the cable may be locally exposed on the seafloor and the construction working corridor will remain closed for any static fishing, anchoring or use of other equipment with seabed intervention. During this time the cable is sensitive to any external impact and constitutes a snagging risk for anchoring, fishing gear or other equipment with seabed intervention.
To protect the cable in the 500m working corridor, guard vessels will be deployed along the route (described in a separate NtM LF700013-ESI-DOG-NOT-0008). The primary purpose of the guard vessels is to protect the exposed cable along the Dogger Bank C Export Cable corridor by monitoring and issuing warnings to marine traffic operating within 6Nm of the construction area with a Closest Point of Approach (CPA) < 1.5Nm
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteDeployment of one (1) Floating Seawatch Wind LiDAR buoys in the Moray Firth for the acquisition of Wind and Metocean Data for a period of 24 months.
On the 3rd of June 2023, Fugro deployed a Floating Seawatch LiDAR buoy within the Caledonia Offshore Wind Farm site for the acquisition of Wind and Metocean Data. The buoy is intended to remain in-situ for a minimum period of 24 months.
Mariners are advised to maintain a 500 m clearance from the deployed equipment. Operations were completed by the Fishing vessel ‘MS Elisabeth’.
The buoy will remain in situ until June 2025, the exact removal date will depend on weather and be determined at a later stage. A separate NtM will be issued for the removal activity.
Details on the Seawatch Wind LiDAR (3.0) Buoys including navigational safety features and mooring layout design are provided in the attached NtM (V10).
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteSeven mooring ground chain and pennant sections were recovered during the week commencing 14th October, as part of the rig move to Schiehallion North. One mooring remains in place until further notice, at the below noted location. There are no surface buoys or mid-water sections.
Show MoreThe Prospector 1 will be on location for 90 days in block 42/14a to drill an appraisal well.
The Prospector-1 is a self elevated jack-up rig which will be towed to location by two to three tug boats. Once in position over the proposed well location, it will jack down its legs to the seabed. The Prospector 1 is anticipated to spend a total of 90 days at the proposed Crosgan 42/14a-C appraisal well location with an earliest anticipated start date of 1st February 2025.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteIrish Sea Pioneer Rig Move from Hamilton North Platform to the Hamilton Platform (Liverpool Bay) completed. Irish Sea Pioneer now in combined operation with the Hamilton Platform
Will be in combined operations (COMOPS) for approximately 110 days supporting Pipe Line Pigging Operations, Well Interventions and Maintenace activities. Rigs are protected by a 500m safety zone.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteFree Span identified on the IUK Pipeline PL 1339. 65mtrs length x 1.2m height
Exposed Pipeline at the following location.
Emergency Remediation plan in progress
Notice issued on behalf of Interconnector (IUK)
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteGuard vessel on location pending investigation and further action.
Show MoreOperations of remotely piloted Uncrewed Surface Vessels (USVs) are planned out of the port of Fraserburgh from December 2024 . Up to 3 USVs will be operational at any one time surveying within the area outlined in attachment.
Operations will take place subject to weather and other operational factors from 7th December 2024 for ~6 weeks.
A support vessel will escort the USVs from the active port to clear water. Launch and recovery will be from the port of Fraserburgh.
Although the vessels are uncrewed, they are throughout the 24 hour operation, piloted remotely using 360 degree cameras and other navigational aids. Figure 1 below indicates the operational area. The survey area boundary is indicated in Table 1 below also. In addition to the working areas, the USVs will transit from/to Fraserburgh harbour.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteThe Dogger Bank D project will be carrying out an MBES geophysical survey within Dogger Bank D Array and Export Cable Route Areas using remotely piloted Uncrewed Surface Vessels (USVs).
The USVs will be mobilised from Scarborough or Hartlepool Harbour where each USV will be escorted out of the harbour limits, before transiting to the survey area. Survey Operations will be continuous 24hrs a day. Although vessels are uncrewed, they are managed remotely continuously using 360 degree cameras and other sensors.
The works will commence on the 13th of August 2024, continuing until 25th February 2025 when all locations have been surveyed. The works will be continuous, 24 hours a day. A chart of the DBD Array Area and Export Cable Route corridor including bounding coordinates is provided below.
It is requested that all vessels maintain a minimum of 500m separation distance from the USVs and pass at reduced speed.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteDana will have the DSV Seven Falcon in the Guillemot field ( to complete the GNW EC Well tie-in Ops) DSV will be carrying out diving operations between the Guillemot DC1 Manifold and the GNW EC Well. Mob date for the DSV is early February 2025 for about 2 to 3 weeks depending on weather.
Show MoreAll Mariners are advised that the Survey Vessel “Precision 1” will be carrying out an MBES survey at KP40 on the Export Cable Route.
Show Morebp is planning to carry out metocean survey activities within the Clair area. Near seabed current data and associated parameters will be collected over an initial period of 12 months. The survey will be undertaken using an MPV and the total survey time is expected to be 3 days for deployment and 365 days for survey activities. The survey operations will involve the placement seven metocean deployments with moorings on the seabed that will remain in place for a year.
Between 24/09 and 27/09, the seven laid metocean buoys were recovered, serviced and redeployed at the same target location. Further, the Metocean 5 deployment was fitted with an additional current meter such that the deployment height will increase from 13m to 34m above the seabed.
The buoys will remain in place until ~June 2025, at which date they will be recovered.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteConducting a Multibeam Echosounder (MBES) survey to support a potential future geophysical survey in the area.
The survey will be conducted by multiple Uncrewed Survey Vessels (USVs) during the months of November-December 2024. The USV's will be operating initially out of Hartlepool Marina during November with a move of operations eventually to Scarborough Harbour. The USVs will be supported by a standby crewed vessel located in the port of operations throughout the survey activities. The data collection will be conducted by hull mounted Multibeam Echosounders (no towed equipment to be used).
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteThe Service Operations Vessel, (SOV) Edda Boreas, will carry out Balance of Plant (BoP) and Asset Preservation operations within Dogger Bank A construction site. The works will be performed in a single campaign, commencing on the 6th of November 2022 and continuing until approximately Q3 2025. The works will be continuous, 24 hours a day.
The operations will include visual inspections and maintenance at installed WTG foundation locations. During operations, the Edda Boreas will be restricted in its ability to manoeuvre as defined under COLREGs (International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972) and will display the appropriate day shapes and lights. The vessel will also transmit an Automatic Identification System (AIS) message. It is requested that all vessels maintain a minimum of 500m separation distance from the Offshore Supply Vessel and pass at reduced speed. Fishing gear or other equipment with seabed intervention should not be deployed when approaching the working area.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteThe Walk to Work vessel, Norside Supporter, will assist the IAC termination and testing works in Dogger Bank A Offshore Wind Farm Array Area
The works are scheduled to be performed continuously. The campaign is envisaged to commence upcoming week and expected to continue for upcoming winter months. The works will be continuous, 24 hours a day.
The operations consist of offshore accommodation and transfer of personnel to the different offshore foundations in place.
During operations, the NORSIDE SUPPORTER will be restricted in its ability to manoeuvre as defined under COLREGs (International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972) and will display the appropriate day shapes and lights. The vessel will also transmit an Automatic Identification System (AIS) message.
It is requested that all vessels maintain a minimum of 1.5Nm separation distance from the Vessel and pass at reduced speed. Fishing gear or other equipment with seabed intervention should not be deployed when approaching the working corridor.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteThe Offshore installation vessel, HLV Seaway Strashnov, has completed all but two mono-pile foundations in the Dogger Bank B offshore windfarm construction area. She will return in Q2 2025 to complete installation.
The installed monopiles are marked with temporary lighting with the following characteristics:
• Flashing (Fl) Yellow (Y) 2.5 seconds (s)
• IALA Availability Category 2 (not less than 99.0%)
• 360° visibility – up to two lights per structure may be used to achieve this
• At least 2 nm range.
a Statutory Safety zone of 50m radius is in place around the installed monopiles. The safety zones are monitored by a guard vessel. The primary response will be to warn passing traffic of the ongoing works and any active safety zones, and to alert any vessels where an infringement may occur or has occurred
See detailed map on our bulletin websitePlease be advised that the ERDA Jack-Up Barge (JUB) is due to transit to Leman 27H (UKCS Block 49/27) in the Leman Field, where it will support with upcoming CCS trials. The estimated earliest arrival date of the ERDA at Leman 27H is 29th December 2024. The JUB will remain on location at Leman 27H until latest 31st March 2025.
Show MorePartrac Ltd. deployed FLS200 Floating LiDAR buoys at two sites (Site 1 & Site 3) within the Ossian Floating Offshore Wind Farm off the East coast of Scotland in August 2022. Partrac is planning to service the LiDAR buoy at Site 1 from 7th January 2025. The works are estimated to be carried out over two days, weather permitting. The vessel to be used will be confirmed in due course. Both LiDAR buoys will be deployed until April 2025, and maintenance visits will be undertaken every 4-6 months.
The floating LiDAR buoys deployed at sites 1 and 3 record meteorological data and are anchored to the seabed by means of a mooring chain and a ground weight. The buoy has dimensions of 4m x 4m, and when deployed the tallest mast on the buoy sits approx. 4m above the water line. The lantern has a flash sequence Fl (5) Y 20s. Please maintain a 500m exclusion around each buoy.
See detailed map on our bulletin websitePlease be advised from circa 1st November 2024 East Anglia Three Offshore Windfarm construction works will commence, subsea boulder and debris clearance operations will be the first construction activity as per the attached NTM document. Followed by Scour protection Installation circa 05th November 2024 as per NTM 050 in attachment.
East Anglia THREE will be a large offshore wind farm, located 69 km off the Norfolk coast. With a projected capacity of approximately 1400MW, the wind farm shall supply electricity to approximately one million UK homes. Onshore construction for the project started in July 2022.
By use of multiple specialized offshore vessels,1 Offshore Convertor station (OFCS) & 95 offshore wind turbine generators (WTGs) will be installed within the East Anglia Three site boundary along with the associated inter array and export cables. The generated power will be transmitted via an installed External Cable (EC) from the OFCS to a shore side substation located in Bramford.
See detailed map on our bulletin websitePetrogas North Sea Ltd intends to carry out drilling operations using the jack-up drill rig “Noble Resilient” at the Abbey gas field . The work is expected to take around 100 days at the Abbey location. However the actual duration will depend on both operational and weather factors. Whilst at location the vessel will be static and connected to the seabed so is unable to move or maneuver its position.
Petrogas seeks the cooperation of fishermen to refrain from placing static fishing gear within 500m of the Abbey well site location, where the jack-up drill vessel will be working, This is to avoid any entanglement, interference or damage to either the fishing gear or drilling equipment.
From mid January to end February 2025 operations will include fraccing, involving the use of a DP frac support vessel connected to the platform.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteBathymetry, sidescan, magnetometer and environmental surveys.
Show MoreAn application has been submitted for a permanent 500 metre (m) safety zone centered around the proposed Culzean Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Pilot Project. To be in place during construction, normal operations and for periods of maintenance, and decommissioning. The precise start date and co-ordinates of the safety zones will be detailed in the Notice to Mariners prior to their implementation.
Show MoreHarbour Energy are performing a drilling campaign using the V120 Jack-Up drilling at the Judy Riser Platform location in block 30/07a. The Judy installations have a dedicated Emergency Response and Rescue Vessel (ERRV) on location monitoring the surrounding area.
Show MoreMariners are advised that all overwater geophysical surveys conducted by Aspect Land & Hydrographic Surveys Ltd (on behalf of SHEPD) contained in this document have been postponed until early 2025. Once commenced in January, the surveys in the West Highlands and Argyll marine areas are expected to last until the end of February.
Mariners are advised that all overwater geophysical surveys conducted by Aspect Land & Hydrographic Surveys Ltd (on behalf of SHEPD) contained in this document have been postponed until early 2025. Once commenced in January, the surveys in the West Highlands and Argyll marine areas are expected to last until the end of February.
Given the different conditions and water depths anticipated at each site, a range of vessels will be available for the project.
Cable location and indicative survey corridors are noted in the attached NtM for information. Equipment calibration operations may take place out with the defined corridor and these areas will be chosen so as not to interfere with fishing / marine traffic activity.
The vessels conducting these works will be restricted in their ability to manoeuvre and will display the appropriate lights and shapes. Other vessels are requested to pass at a safe speed and provide a minimum clearance of 500m (COLREGs Rule 16 & 18) during marine operations. All vessels will monitor VHF Channel 16 throughout survey operations. Mobile contacts for the vessels are listed at the end of this NtM.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteThis oil & gas drilling rig has moved to this new position. Rig are protected by a 500m safety zone and some may have anchors extending beyond this zone.
Show MoreThis oil & gas drilling rig has moved to this new position. Rig are protected by a 500m safety zone and some may have anchors extending beyond this zone.
Show MoreThis oil & gas drilling rig has moved to this new position. Rig are protected by a 500m safety zone and some may have anchors extending beyond this zone.
Show MoreThis oil & gas drilling rig has moved to this new position. Rigs are protected by a 500m safety zone and some may have anchors extending beyond this zone.
Show MoreSubmitting a notice to make fishing vessels aware that anchors have been pre-laid at Evelyn EV-02 between 10th and 11th December 2024. MODU due on arrival 28th December.
The MODU COSLInnovator is scheduled to be on location at Evelyn EV-02 location to undertake drilling operations.
See detailed map on our bulletin websitePlease be advised that Aspect Land & Hydrographic Surveys Ltd (on behalf of SHEPD) will be undertaking subsea inspections of several cables across the Clyde marine areas.
Please be advised that Aspect Land & Hydrographic Surveys Ltd (on behalf of SHEPD) will be undertaking subsea inspections of several cables across the Clyde marine areas.
Given the different conditions and water depths anticipated at each site, a range of vessels will be available for the project.The inspection works will be centred on a 50m cable corridor.
The vessels conducting these works will be restricted in their ability to manoeuvre and will display the appropriate lights and shapes.
Other vessels are requested to pass at a safe speed and provide a minimum clearance of 500m (COLREGs Rule 16 & 18) during marine operations.
All vessels will monitor VHF Channel 16 throughout survey operations. Mobile contacts for the vessels are listed at the end of the attached NtM.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteSub-sea moorings deployed on (and to approximately 6 m above) the seabed at seven locations with the below 100m x 100m boxes. Each location will have acoustic monitoring devices attached between two clump weights spaced 50m apart. All equipment will be subsurface with no marker buoy, and will protrude approximately 6m vertically from the seabed. All equipment will be labelled with relevant contact details. Deployments will be conducted from the research vessel Princess Royal.
ABPmer are due to conduct a series of survey equipment deployments along the Northumberland coast. This work is being conducted for Natural England under MMO license ref: L/2023/00399. Vessel will display RAM throughout operations and will be contactable on VHF Channel 16 and other appropriate working channels.
All equipment will remain in place for 18 months following deployment w/c 29 January 2024, with interim service visit at approximately 4 month intervals. All vessels are requested to pass the relevant locations above by a minimum of 100m throughout the duration of the equipment in place.
Further notice will be provided when all equipment is removed from each location.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteA safety zone for the above location/structure has been revoked (will no longer be enforced) by the Secretary of State. This will come into force on 24th December 2024.
Kingfisher note:
This safety zone may have been replaced by a new zone, or other zones may exist in the vicinity.
Your FishSAFE Information will be updated in the next release.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteA safety zone for the above location/structure has been revoked (will no longer be enforced) by the Secretary of State. This will come into force on 24th December 2024.
Kingfisher note:
This safety zone may have been replaced by a new zone, or other zones may exist in the vicinity.
Your FishSAFE Information will be updated in the next release.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteA safety zone for the above location/structure has been revoked (will no longer be enforced) by the Secretary of State. This will come into force on 24th December 2024.
Kingfisher note:
This safety zone may have been replaced by a new zone, or other zones may exist in the vicinity.
Your FishSAFE Information will be updated in the next release.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteA safety zone for the above location/structure has been revoked (will no longer be enforced) by the Secretary of State. This will come into force on 24th December 2024.
Kingfisher note:
This safety zone may have been replaced by a new zone, or other zones may exist in the vicinity.
Your FishSAFE Information will be updated in the next release.
See detailed map on our bulletin website
A safety zone for the above location/structure has been revoked (will no longer be enforced) by the Secretary of State. This will come into force on 24th December 2024.
Kingfisher note:
This safety zone may have been replaced by a new zone, or other zones may exist in the vicinity.
Your FishSAFE Information will be updated in the next release.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteA new safety zone has been granted by the Secretary of State for the above location/structure. The safety zone will come into force on 24th December 2024.
Kingfisher note:
This safety zone may be new, or an amendment to an existing zone. It may also replace a safety zone in place around a platform, or other surface structure for the purposes of decommissioning.
Your FishSAFE Information will be updated in the next release.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteDiving will be transferring from the DSV Topaz to the Boka Da Vinci on the 18th Dec, the campaign will now go through to end of Feb 2025
Show MorePartrac, on behalf of The Crown Estate, is planning servicing of the array of Metocean equipment deployed within three Project Development Areas (PDAs) off the coast of Wales and SW England deployed 09th - 10th May 2024. The maintenance is due to take place at PDA1, Site 1A: Floating LiDAR on Friday 13th December 2024. Note due to a communications outage, extra caution is advised around this location. Visibility of the PDA1, Site 1A Floating LiDAR may also be impaired.
Mariners are advised that Partrac, on behalf of The Crown Estate, is planning scheduled servicing of the array of Metocean equipment deployed within three Project Development Areas (PDAs) located off the coast of Wales and Southwest England (Table 1, Figure 1 to Figure 3). The equipment (including three floating LiDAR buoys) was deployed between 09th and 10th May 2024. The equipment will remain deployed for a period of at least 6-months after the servicing is complete.
Partrac plans to conduct service works on the following moorings:
Additional works maybe undertaken at the Metocean array at:
The maintenance is due to take place at PDA1, Site 1A: Floating LiDAR on Friday 13th December 2024, over an estimated period of 1 day, weather permitting, with Briggs Marine Vessel, Cameron, call sign MYEK6.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteFreespans, not greater than Kingfisher critical span reporting criteria but potential hazard. These will be monitored over time. Next inspection planned in Q4 2024.
Show MoreUnknown fishing gear snagged and abandoned on 36" Gas Brent A - St. Fergus (FLAGS) N0201 (PL002). Nets and debris extends 20m across pipeline with rope suspended in water column, 30m above the seabed.
Show MoreNoble Patriot to complete plug and abandonment operations at the UMC wells. Positioned with 8 x GBAs within 500m radius of 61 09.44' North 01 06.44' East.
Noble Patriot to complete plug and abandonment operations at the UMC wells. Positioned with 8 x GBAs within 500m radius of 61 09.44' North 01 06.44' East.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteGreen Rebel, on behalf of Magnora Offshore Wind, has deployed a Floating LiDAR (FLS) System buoy and a Directional Wave Rider (DWR) buoy at the Talisk Offshore Wind site, approximately 30km north of the Isle of Lewis for a minimum period of 24 months. The deployment took place on 21 September 2024. Post deployment of the FLS and DWR, service activities be carried out onsite at approximately six-monthly intervals. Additional notice will be provided prior to service activities being undertaken.
Show MoreLeverett CAN-basic left in situ until it is recovered by a vessel. Following the drilling of the Leverett appraisal well, the Transocean PBLJ and its anchors left the location on 14th February. The Leverett CAN-basic structure will remain in situ at the well location until it is recovered.
Recovery of the CAN-basic structure is now planned for summer 2025.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteThe Trinity House Buoy Installation Vessel, Galatea, has installed the Dogger Bank C boundary demarcation buoys in the Southern North Sea .
The 17 construction boundary demarcation buoys will remain in location until the windfarm construction activities have been completed and handed over to the Operations and Maintenance teams.
Once the permanent Aids to Navigation (AtoN) have been installed on the WTGs, Trinity House will approve the permanent AtoN and the boundary buoys will be removed.
If anyone finds a buoy that is off station or encounters a buoy location where it is not functioning or is missing, they should report this to the Dogger Bank Duty Marine Coordinator as soon as possible.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteInstallation of the Dogger Bank C Offshore Windfarm Export Cable will commence on the 19th of March 2024. Guard vessels will be deployed to protect the cable bundle from the start of cable lay until the cable is adequately protected by means of trenching or rock placement.
To provide the required coverage, approximately 16 guard vessels will be used in the period from the 19th of March 2024 until the 30th of November 2024. Durations at each location will depend on progress of the cable installation, trenching and rock placement operations. Not all the vessels are expected to be used concurrently.
The primary purpose of the guard vessels is to protect the exposed cable along the Dogger Bank C Export Cable corridor by monitoring and issuing warnings to marine traffic operating within 6Nm of the construction area with a Closest Point of Approach (CPA) < 1.5Nm. More specifically, the focus will be on those vessels with potential to be engaging in bottom contact activities such as fishing and anchoring, as these activities pose a risk not only to the exposed cable bundle but also to the vessels themselves.
The guard vessels will be clearly marked and display a highly visible "GUARD" sign on each side. The vessels will operate 24hrs, in all but extreme weather. Exchange of vessels on site will ensure the relevant section of cable is never left unguarded.
In sections where cable protection has been completed, guard vessels will be released, and sections will be opened up for fishing or use of other of equipment with seabed intervention. This may not necessarily be in a sequential order from shoreside outwards.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteThe Jack-up WTG Installation Vessel, Voltaire, will install wind turbine generators (WTG) within the Dogger Bank A construction area.
The works will commence on the 05th of July 2023, continuing until approximately Q2 2024. The works will be continuous, 24 hours a day. A chart of the DBA construction area boundary coordinates and a table of WTG location coordinates is provided below. A running list of the completed WTG installations and the next locations to be installed is presented in the Weekly Notice of Operations.
During operations, the Voltaire will be restricted in its ability to manoeuvre as defined under COLREGs (International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972) and will display the appropriate day shapes and lights. The vessel will also transmit an Automatic Identification System (AIS) message.
During operations, a Statutory Safety zone of 500m radius will be in place around the Voltaire during the installation of WTGs. The safety zone will be monitored by a guard vessel. The primary response will be to warn passing traffic of the ongoing works and any active safety zones, and to alert any vessels where an infringement may occur or has occurred.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteThe project includes extending the life of the existing wells and addition of eight new wells. The new wells will be tied into the existing Penguins infrastructure and connected into a new FPSO. The pipeline system will be split into a North and South production pipeline, with the FPSO positioned close to the centre of the field. An offshore development area has been granted on the 18th April 2024 to further protect the pressurised infrastructure during the ongoing construction phase.
UKCS Block ID: 211/13a and 211/14a
Water Depths refer to Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT) with all depths quoted in metres.
No visible marker (marker buoys) will be deployed.
Schematic drawing has been attached.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteThe Victory Project consists of the development of the Victory Subsea gas field as a single well tie-back to the Shetland Gas Plant. An Offshore Development Area has been put in place during the construction phase based upon the planned location of the Victory PLEM (North) between May 2024 and September 2025. The offshore development area for Victory Project was granted on the 20th March 2024. (see Schematic drawing att.)
UKCS Block ID: 206/4a, 206/5c and 207/1a
Water Depths refer to Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT) with all depths quoted in metres – 126m – 296m
No visible marker (marker buoys) will be deployed.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteThe Jackdaw field is an ultra-high pressure/high temperature (uHPHT) reservoir that will be developed with a not permanently attended Wellhead Platform (WHP). Four wells will be drilled at the Jackdaw WHP. Produced fluids will be exported via a subsea pipeline to the Shearwater platform where these will be processed before onward export via the Fulmar Gas Line and the Forties Pipeline System. Vessels: SUV1/Deep Discoverer/Deep Energy/Normand Drott /SUV2 (Olympic Trition).
Jackdaw Installation 2024/2025
New Riser installed to Shearwater A using DSV.
New pipeline will be installed between Shearwater A and Jackdaw.
New SSIV will be installed within the Shearwater 500m zone using DSV or CV.
New electro-hydraulic/chemical umbilical & associated protection material will be installed between Shearwater C and new Shearwater SSIV using DSV.
New SSIV will be installed within the Jackdaw 500m zone using DSV or CV.
New electro-hydraulic/chemical umbilical will be installed between Jackdaw wellhead Platform and New Jackdaw SSIV using DSV.
New tie-in spools & associated protection material will be installed between new pipeline and Jackdaw riser via new SSIV using DSV.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteThis oil & gas drilling rig has moved to this new position. Rig are protected by a 500m safety zone and some may have anchors extending beyond this zone.
Show MoreOil & gas rigs are protected by a 500m safety zone and some may have anchors extending hundreds of metres outside this zone.
Show MoreConstruction of the Princess Elisabeth Island. The exclusion zone around the construction site is marked by 4 cardinal buoys (ELI-N, ELI-E, ELI-S and ELI-W).
Transmission system operator Elia is building the Princess Elisabeth Island in the Belgian part of the North Sea. This artificial energy island is an extension of the electricity grid in the North Sea. It connects the future wind farms of the Princess Elisabeth Zone with the Belgian coast and creates new connections with neighbouring countries.
The energy island is built centrally in the Princess Elisabeth wind zone, approximately 45 km from the Belgian coast. Construction of the island will take several years. To ensure safety during the works, the Belgian government defined an exclusion zone within which only work vessels are allowed. This zone is marked by 4 cardinal buoys (ELI-N, ELI-E, ELI-S and ELI-W).
Seabed preparatory works took place in spring and summer 2024. Further installation works will proceed from spring 2025. The exclusion area remains in force at all times.
More information about the Princess Elisabeth Island is available on the Elia website:
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteTrenches at mooring line touchdown points - remediated with rock placement.
10 mooring line trenches, cut into the clay seabed. Remediation of these trenches has been completed (by rock infill to a profile below mean seabed), although seabed verification has not yet been carried out.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteThis oil & gas drilling rig has moved to this new position. Rig are protected by a 500m safety zone and some may have anchors extending beyond this zone.
Show MoreThis oil & gas drilling rig has moved to this new position. Rig are protected by a 500m safety zone and some may have anchors extending beyond this zone.
Show MoreThis oil & gas drilling rig has moved to this new position. Rig are protected by a 500m safety zone and some may have anchors extending beyond this zone.
Show MoreThis oil & gas drilling rig has moved to this new position. Rig are protected by a 500m safety zone and some may have anchors extending beyond this zone.
Show MoreThis oil & gas drilling rig has moved to this new position. Rig are protected by a 500m safety zone and some may have anchors extending beyond this zone.
Show MoreThis oil & gas drilling rig has moved to this new position. Rig are protected by a 500m safety zone and some may have anchors extending beyond this zone.
Show MoreThis oil & gas drilling rig has moved to this new position. Rig are protected by a 500m safety zone and some may have anchors extending beyond this zone.
Show MoreThis oil & gas drilling rig has moved to this new position. Rig are protected by a 500m safety zone and some may have anchors extending beyond this zone.
Show MoreThis oil & gas drilling rig has moved to this new position. Rig are protected by a 500m safety zone and some may have anchors extending beyond this zone.
Show MoreThis oil & gas drilling rig has moved to this new position. Rig are protected by a 500m safety zone and some may have anchors extending beyond this zone.
Show MoreThis oil & gas drilling rig has moved to this new position. Rig are protected by a 500m safety zone and some may have anchors extending beyond this zone.
Show MoreThis oil & gas drilling rig has moved to this new position. Rig are protected by a 500m safety zone and some may have anchors extending beyond this zone.
Show MoreAs part of an "as found" survey, 3 x potentially hazardous unknown objects have been identified on the seabed in the Frigg area.
A recent review of "as found" data has identified the following 3 x potentially hazardous unknown objects. Further work will be done to agree on how and when to make the area safe:
This oil & gas drilling rig has moved to this new position. Rigs are protected by a 500m safety zone and some may have anchors extending beyond this zone.
Show MoreOil & gas rigs are protected by a 500m safety zone and some may have anchors extending hundreds of metres outside this zone.
Show MoreNumber of perimeter NAV aids not functioning
Due to a unplanned outage a number of the perimeter NAV aids are currently not functioning. We hope to have this issue resolved within 48 hours, however care should be taken when navigating in this area.
Southern and eastern part of windfarm is affected.
K1, K5, K8, F8
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteConcrete mattress in open water identified during ROV survey as dislodged from Telford PL1877. Small section of pipeline exposed.
During a recent ROV survey, it was discovered that a mattress has become dislodged at PL1877 between Telford central and Telford east manifold outwith either 500m zone. This has left approximately 6m of the pipeline uncovered. CNOOC are currently endeavouring to resolve this issue with both interim and long-term solutions identified.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteThis scope of work is to flood the Cormorant Alpha to WLGP SSIV production pipeline PL17, before cutting and recovering a short section within the NL-WL PLEM 500m safety zone, as part of a series of works to de-energise Cormorant Alpha. Vessel Name: Seven Atlantic
Show MoreResearch Buoy Confirmation of Deployment Notification - Morlais Demonstration Zone.
Show MoreThis oil & gas drilling rig has moved to this new position. Rig are protected by a 500m safety zone and some may have anchors extending beyond this zone.
Show MoreOil & gas rigs are protected by a 500m safety zone and some may have anchors extending hundreds of metres outside this zone.
Show MoreThe MachairWind Floating LiDAR buoy will be serviced during the next available weather window. While the Floating LiDAR buoy is serviced, a temporary marker will be deployed. The temporary marker will have a light, but will not transmit AIS. The Bommelbas (Call Sign: LLGZ) will be used for maintenance activities. Mariners are requested to maintain a distance of 500 metres from the Floating LiDAR buoy and vessel.
The Floating LiDAR buoy is tethered to the seabed with a single mooring line. The Floating LiDAR buoy has light marking characteristics comprising FI (5) Y 20s with a nominal range of 5 nautical miles in addition to transmitting its locations via AIS.
The Bommelbas will temporarily remove the Floating LiDAR buoy for servicing. A temporary marker buoy will be deployed in its place whilst maintenance activities are being undertaken. The Floating LiDAR buoy will be redeployed at Site 1 (shown on the figure below) once maintenance activities are completed. A revision of this notice to mariners will be distributed providing confirmation of the redeployment coordinates for the Floating LiDAR buoy.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteThe MachairWind Floating LiDAR buoy was re-deployed at Site 1 on 9th November 2024, following the completion of servicing works. The temporary marker installed during the servicing work has now been recovered. The Floating LiDAR buoy will remain on position until decommissioning from 28th April 2025.
The Floating LiDAR buoy is tethered to the seabed with a single mooring line. The Floating LiDAR buoy has light marking characteristics comprising FI (5) Y 20s with a nominal range of 5 nautical miles in addition to transmitting its locations via AIS.
The Floating LiDAR buoy was first deployed on April 28th 2023 and is expected to remain deployed and on position until April 28th 2025. A Notice to Mariners will be published in April 2025 providing information on decommissioning of the Floating LiDAR buoy.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteMariners are advised that vessel "Rockpiper" is due to commence Scour Protection installation operations within the East Anglia Three Offshore Windfarm, circa 15th November 2024. Operations will be conducted by Seaway 7/Boskalis with the main working area being inside the Offshore Windfarm Array.
Installation of scour protection by fallpipe vessel "Rockpiper" at the WTG and OFCS foundation locations within the offshore wind farm site, preventing removal of sediment around the base of structures once they have been installed.
During the period of scour protection installation works, vessels are advised to navigate with caution and are requested to keep a 500m safety distance from all offshore construction vessels.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteValaris 123 jack up rig is scheduled to arrive on location 12-Nov-2024. Valaris 123 jack up rig will stay on location for ~112days to drill the Pensacola Appraisal well.
Valaris 123 jack up rig is scheduled to arrive on location 12-Nov-2024. Valaris 123 jack up rig will stay on location for ~112days to drill the Pensacola Appraisal well.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteThis oil & gas drilling rig has moved to this new position. Rig are protected by a 500m safety zone and some may have anchors extending beyond this zone.
Show MoreA spherical wave buoy with a diameter of 0.9 meters was installed in the Pierce Field.
WGS84: 57° 09' 20.401'N, 002° 16' 12.279'E
Clump weight: 500 kg steel ballast with chain
Deployment date: 29/08/2023
Radius cone: ~150m
Model: Datawell Waverider
Diameter: 0.9 m
Colour: yellow
LED light: 5 flashes in 10 s 20 s repetition 360° around for 4 Nm distance
See detailed map on our bulletin website1x Floating LiDAR buoy with co-located wave rider buoy and seabed mounted current mooring
Show MoreHarbour Energy are scheduled to complete Drilling operations (using the Dolphin Paul B Loyd Junior – Semi Submersible) at Gilderoy 15/28b- and then move the rig to the Brodgar field in the Central North Sea block 21/03a. This move is currently planned for the 01/11/24.
Show More1x Floating LiDAR buoy, 1x wave rider buoy & 1x seabed mounted current mooring
Show MorePlease be advised that the HAEVA Jack-Up Barge (JUB) is due to depart from the Arthur subsea manifold on 30th September 2024 (at the earliest and dependent on weather), and transit to ST3 (UKCS 42/30) in the Ravenspurn Field, where it will commence Well Intervention work. The estimated earliest arrival date of the HAEVA at ST3 is 1st October 2024. The JUB will remain on location at ST3 until latest 31st March 2025.
Show MorePlease be advised that 12 retrievable nodes will be deployed on the seabed in the Leman Field as part of upcoming spot seismic survey.
12 retrievable nodes will be deployed on the seabed for the duration of upcoming seismic survey - their deployment is anticipated from October 25th 2024 until March 31st 2025. These nodes are 1m x 1m in size, the ballast weighing 26kg with a 10kg bouyant. These nodes will not be marked by a surface buoy.
See detailed map on our bulletin websiteArven Offshore Wind Farm has deployed Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) moorings in and around the Arven Offshore Wind Farm area to gather data on marine mammal activity.
Show MoreIn preparation for the installation of a floating Wind Turbine at Culzean - an acoustic device will be deployed near to the proposed wind turbine location at the Culzean field. The acoustic device will be at the location noted below - but will extend to a total height of 25m above the seabed. The device will deployed from 24th September 2024 (depending on weather) and will be in place for approx. six months.
Show MoreValaris V121 MODU jack-up rig will be situated over Shearwater Alpha platform. Valaris V121 MODU will be on location at Shearwater until June 2026.
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